Sunday, July 25, 2010

DE(sign e)VO(lution

what will our brain look like?
these are the clues.
(ps. it is so hot in philly that we don't wear pants. so don't expect any.)
this are coming out of the past 2 weeks of farting around (very proffeshunally).
the schtick was thus: a call & response based around messages in bottles, and other mysterious modes of transport, between two groups of kids across town. a lot of kids wrote back using paper airplanes and eagles and, in one case, two jets racing for a pizza.
a lot of it was stimulated by the question of how you go about submitting a message to the world at large, what you might say and how you would say it, and why you would do such a thing. much of the images do not surprise until you look at them closely, it is so cool how kids can fool you into thinking that they aren't interested at all, but then magically put they sticky lil' finger right on the major artery.

so we seek within for design responses to these equally gnomic queries:

***messages in bottles rally toward paper airplane fleet as they battle over who has the finest hot new dance.
-submitting a concern to the sky, but the answer isn't what you expected and it comes by sea (or eagle)
-kid worries come in monster form and defeating them might not be what you had in mind (instead, a stylish tea party of equals)
-wall-paper for the sky king's council chambers as the insects petition for a new love
-sharing a story with somebody you will never will meet, but you'll mysteriously have the same name (and the same corn-rows) <--TRUE STORY!
-an octopus who serves dinner, catered by Quentin, delivered by bicycle

etc etc you get the point. the world is wide and mysterious, and maybe the bottle you found came full of cheap wine, but it's empty now and it holds the world.

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